PE-CXO’s Success Stories cast a spotlight on private equity-backed operators and the tools and tactics they leverage to create real value. In each entry, a world-class executive details a practical solution to a critical business issue. To be featured, contact with the subject line “Success Story.”

Executive: Vince Murdica, CRO at Mineral, a PE-backed HR and compliance SaaS platform 

Challenge: Improving business unit economics and growing revenue, especially at SaaS-based companies 

Solution: Finding and making incremental improvements throughout the buyer lifecycle 

The Case for Making Incremental Improvements

In SaaS, we’ve seen an incessant pursuit of perfection, particularly in go-to-market motions. The most common question I’ve heard when joining a new company is: “We think we have good product-market fit, and we’re looking to accelerate our revenue growth. What is the one thing (i.e. the silver bullet) to improve results?”

Most founders and entrepreneurs that are leading these early growth-stage businesses are all looking for the one big thing they need to do today to improve results. They just want to focus — which is great. Focused efforts yield focused results. But the reality is that in go-to-market motions, the pursuit of accelerated growth always lies in incremental change at every step of your funnel, not in pressuring<...