Challenge: In a talent-friendly market, CXOs may be approached with opportunities outside of their sector experience. Deciding whether to make the leap and learn a new industry can be daunting.

Solution: Take inventory of your transferable skills, focus on what you can gain from switching industries, and expand your horizons to learn valuable lessons across businesses.

Participating Executives: 

  • Brian Briggs, President and CEO who moved from information technology to food and beverages
  • Dana Upshaw, CMO who moved from equipment maintenance to e-commerce and marketing
  • Jason Gootzeit, VP of Finance who moved from marketing to environmental services

Assess Your Transferable Skills

Gootzeit: No matter what industry you’re in, there are some standard best practices. Lean on those similarities. For roles I’ve been in, examples of those similarities would be:

  • Setting a monthly close schedule or timeline with standardized review processes
  • Examining customer profitability to drive revenue
  • Creating good processes, checks and balances, and controls 

Customer profitability was always top of mind at my former role. Managing expectations, helping project managers understand profitability and how to...