Insights | PrivateEquityCXO


See the most recent published articles on the world of private equity from the PrivateEquityCXO editorial team.

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Featured Article
The X-Factor: The Psychology and Tactical Strategy Behind Transformational Leadership in PE 
PE-backed CRO Eric Bluhm shares how to drive transformational growth in a portfolio company.
Featured Article
The X-Factor: Becoming a Change Agent in a Private Equity-Backed Environment
PE-backed CFO Jessica Hamilton shares how to execute transformational change while keeping teams aligned.
Featured Article
The X-Factor: Navigating the Private Equity Landscape — Lessons from a First-Time CEO 
PE-backed CEO Christian Leard shares his journey from public company leadership to PE and how to make the leap
Featured Article
From Vision to Scale: Managing the Transition from Founder-Led to Founder Influenced
5 key considerations for leading your next founder-led acquisition to success under private equity ownership
Career Development
Team Leadership
The 3 Key Traits that Derail CRO Performance & How to Spot Them
A framework for testing the traits that block sales and marketing leaders from achieving success
January 06, 2023 5 min read
PE Landscape
Team Leadership
Top Private Equity Hiring and Compensation Trends
How to navigate a tight labor market and contracted talent pool in 2023
December 02, 2022 4 min read
Career Development
Team Leadership
3 Top Reasons Executives Leave Mid-Hold Period
Executives must weigh their decision to stay or leave carefully
November 29, 2022 5 min read
Career Development
Planning Your Next Private Equity-Backed Career Move
Aligning your trajectory — and goals — with private equity’s expectations
November 28, 2022 4 min read
Career Development
Getting Hired: The Private Equity Candidate Playbook
Your guide to securing your next opportunity
November 23, 2022 5 min read
Business Management
Team Leadership
Pivoting from Negative Situations in the First 100 Days
Now what? Identifying and addressing these 4 pitfalls expeditiously can impact your company’s trajectory
November 07, 2022 5 min read