Insights | PrivateEquityCXO


See the most recent published articles on the world of private equity from the PrivateEquityCXO editorial team.

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Featured Article
The X-Factor: The Psychology and Tactical Strategy Behind Transformational Leadership in PE 
PE-backed CRO Eric Bluhm shares how to drive transformational growth in a portfolio company.
Featured Article
The X-Factor: Becoming a Change Agent in a Private Equity-Backed Environment
PE-backed CFO Jessica Hamilton shares how to execute transformational change while keeping teams aligned.
Featured Article
The X-Factor: Navigating the Private Equity Landscape — Lessons from a First-Time CEO 
PE-backed CEO Christian Leard shares his journey from public company leadership to PE and how to make the leap
Featured Article
From Vision to Scale: Managing the Transition from Founder-Led to Founder Influenced
5 key considerations for leading your next founder-led acquisition to success under private equity ownership
Peer Perspectives
Team Leadership
Repairing Employee-Executive Trust Through Team Events and a New Bonus Plan
Mistrust between the employees and executive team created friction on the most critical path of the investment thesis.
September 14, 2021 5 min read
Career Development
Team Leadership
The Most Revealing Interview Question for Aspiring PE-Backed Executives
Sponsors cannot afford to trust the fate of their investment to a “replacement level” executive.
September 14, 2021 3 min read
PE Landscape
Sponsor Relations
Speaking the Language of Private Equity Sponsors
Mastery of the language often only occurs once a leader has spent time inside an LBO.
September 14, 2021 3 min read
PE Landscape
Team Leadership
Shift to Remote Work Creates Unique Challenge for Private Equity Portfolio Companies
Remote work can no longer be considered a temporary fix.
September 14, 2021 4 min read
PE Landscape
Peer Perspectives
Former Competitive Athletes in Private Equity
Leading amongst leaders.
September 14, 2021 4 min read
Business Management
PE Landscape
SURVEY: Private Equity Sponsors and Operators Reveal Top Obstacles to Pricing Improvement
Don’t let false obstacles prevent you from smarter pricing strategies.
September 14, 2021 2 min read