Insights | PrivateEquityCXO


See the most recent published articles on the world of private equity from the PrivateEquityCXO editorial team.

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Featured Article
The X-Factor: The Psychology and Tactical Strategy Behind Transformational Leadership in PE 
PE-backed CRO Eric Bluhm shares how to drive transformational growth in a portfolio company.
Featured Article
The X-Factor: Becoming a Change Agent in a Private Equity-Backed Environment
PE-backed CFO Jessica Hamilton shares how to execute transformational change while keeping teams aligned.
Featured Article
The X-Factor: Navigating the Private Equity Landscape — Lessons from a First-Time CEO 
PE-backed CEO Christian Leard shares his journey from public company leadership to PE and how to make the leap
Featured Article
From Vision to Scale: Managing the Transition from Founder-Led to Founder Influenced
5 key considerations for leading your next founder-led acquisition to success under private equity ownership
Career Development
5 Next Steps for a Recently Exited Private Equity-Backed Executive
After an exit, it’s time to consider your next steps.
September 17, 2021 4 min read
Business Management
PE Landscape
Buy-In Management Buy-Out (BIMBO)
Why Pursue an MBO? A BIMBO facilitates greater alignment and teamwork between internal and external management, making it a great tool for private equity firms.…
September 16, 2021 3 min read
PE Landscape
Letter of Intent (LOI)
Pre-diligence is often initiated with the submission of an Indication of Interest (IOI) and culminates with a Letter of Intent (LOI).
September 16, 2021 2 min read
Career Development
PE Landscape
Confidential Information Memorandum (CIM)
The CIM is a marketing document that gives an overview and key investment highlights of a company.
September 14, 2021 1 min read
Career Development
Will a Larger Company Mean More Compensation?
Relationships between company revenue and individual compensation prove more complex than previously imagined.
September 14, 2021 9 min read
Peer Perspectives
Team Leadership
Prioritize Decisions Using the ‘Eisenhower Matrix’
Being upfront about the time and resources required to accomplish certain demands and aligning with the sponsor around those dynamics is crucial.
September 14, 2021 3 min read