Insights | PrivateEquityCXO


See the most recent published articles on the world of private equity from the PrivateEquityCXO editorial team.

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Featured Article
The X-Factor: The Psychology and Tactical Strategy Behind Transformational Leadership in PE 
PE-backed CRO Eric Bluhm shares how to drive transformational growth in a portfolio company.
Featured Article
The X-Factor: Becoming a Change Agent in a Private Equity-Backed Environment
PE-backed CFO Jessica Hamilton shares how to execute transformational change while keeping teams aligned.
Featured Article
The X-Factor: Navigating the Private Equity Landscape — Lessons from a First-Time CEO 
PE-backed CEO Christian Leard shares his journey from public company leadership to PE and how to make the leap
Featured Article
From Vision to Scale: Managing the Transition from Founder-Led to Founder Influenced
5 key considerations for leading your next founder-led acquisition to success under private equity ownership
Peer Perspectives
Team Leadership
Revitalizing a Struggling Finance Department En Route to Exit
“When I came in, I had a whole department that lacked confidence.”
September 14, 2021 8 min read
Business Management
Peer Perspectives
Rapidly Repairing a Disorganized Month-End Close
Too many accounting departments are purely reactive in the way they close the books.
September 14, 2021 7 min read
Business Management
Peer Perspectives
Creating Bandwidth and Saving Cost by Switching to a Virtual IT Department
The switch to a virtual IT team is quickly becoming best practice in the minds of many PE-backed CFOs.
September 14, 2021 4 min read
PE Landscape
PE During the Pandemic: Surprising Growth in 2H 2020
Private equity deals came back strong after the first phase of the pandemic passed.
September 14, 2021 3 min read
Business Management
Your Data Is a Hairball: How to Untangle It With an Integrated Process Strategy
To gain visibility into the business and leverage investments a CFO needs to manage application sprawl with a thoughtful integration strategy.
September 14, 2021 8 min read
PE Landscape
Team Leadership
Human Beta in the Private Equity Executive World
An executive’s “human beta” is the degree to which they are expected to do the unexpected.
September 14, 2021 6 min read